You are currently viewing Ibiza Waistcoat

Ibiza Waistcoat

The waistcoat is knitted using modular knitting techniques. Each piece is knitted onto the previous piece varying the direction of the knitting and giving a diagonal seam detail on the right side of the garment.

Pattern – £3.00

Ref: FM-371503

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Alternatively, order by post by sending a cheque (payable to Fiona Morris) to the address shown below, clearly stating your name, postal address, contact number, email address (if you have one) and the Pattern Name and Reference. The pattern will be emailed as a PDF file. If you prefer to receive the pattern in the post, please add £1.50 per pattern to your order to cover UK postage & packaging.

Fiona Morris
68 Southmead Road
PO15 5JZ